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Mississippi Shakedown

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Well, if you don’t like 'Dirt' you won’t like Mississippi Shakedown, and we’re not talking about the kind of dirt you see hanging around a building site, or the dirt you hear about the fella next door who never seems to go to work, but has folk delivering 'stuff' to his door day and night. 


We're talking about the dirt that comes from a guitar amplifier, that’s been turned up way too loud for your Grandmother, the kind of distortion you don’t hear much of these days – no $29 guitar distortion pedal used here, it’s real distortion coming from an old Amplifier.


Nothing new is used on Mississippi Shakedown songs, they use old Microphones, old guitars, old drums and cymbals, old Amplifiers, hell they even drive an Oldsmobile…!!!


Do they sound old? Yep, you’re darn tootin’ they do and the young folk love them cause they ain’t heard nothin’ like them before. God bless 'em, they think they’re hearing some updated “South of the Mason Dixon Line” kinda rockin’ Blues and the kids think it’s all new, but Mississippi Shakedown ain’t gonna tell ‘em, might spoil their Latte coffee drinking..!!


Mississippi Shakedown is a band with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of effect… a 3-piece live combo led by award winning Producer-Engineer-Songwriter Jeff Cripps … with a “Don’t Bore Us, Get to the Chorus” attitude.


Have a listen to their 6 Albums on LanewayRED in WAV form, or Spotify. The band take no prisoners on their journey to entertain. Once seen, never forgotten, once heard, always loved…!!!


Mississippi Shakedown is the real deal. 


They have played all the main Oz Blues venues, Goulburn, Thredbo, Sydney, Forth Valley (Tas) Blues Festivals, Yungaburra Folk Festival, Launceston Blues Club (Tas) and The West Coast Blues Club (W.A.). 


Each of their albums have been Top 5 in the Oz Blues Charts.


Jeff Cripps is a 3 time “Blues Producer of the Year” and internationally recorded songwriter, Disney Films have even used 4 of his songs..!!



© 2015 Laneway Music

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